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Can you be 'overqualified' for the job?

It's hard getting a job nowadays. The excuses for rejection are increasing. From you don't seem to be a match to our personnel can't accomodate more to the tech use excuse, businesses are never running out but how about being 'over-qualified'. Is there such a term? Is it possible to be "too good" for a job? 

I can relate to this first-hand, I have been to a couple interviews where i was told i was over-qualified. I initially thought it was some lame excuse to get me out of their office but looking at my interviews i knew i did too  well to not have made the job. Fine, i wore a dress shirt, and pants, tie, oxford shoes for an interview for a fast food restaurant (can't remember the name). I thought everyone (at least assuming every one is civil) had to follow that dress code for an interview. That was my first taste of lesson 103 in life: "Life isn't fair, some people are stupid and unfortunately sometimes these folks possess something you want, in order to get it you must use their stupidity - not fair but logical". Also i was 16 then, cmon gimme a break. Moreover the employer gave me a card and referred me to a better paying job and told me to use him as a reference. Jackpot! If i knew i woulda worn a pair of sneaks and jeans...but back to the topic. Over-qualification. Asides my restaurant interview i've had a few instances of being 'overqualified'. Being overqualified isn't a bad thing, matter of fact it's a praise and maybe a wake up call to you that you deserve more than you're offering yourself. The company feels that someone with your qualification needs more compensation, etc. Orgs are looking to get a candidate who 'fits' the requirements but not necessarily exceed them. The company can see this as a threat and that you might be using them as a stepping stone. The bottom line as the guys at resume blog said is "Overqualified" is a disguise it has nothing to do with your qualifications, knowledge, or talent. It's a catch-all phrase used to avoid being candid because the company has fears about hiring you or saw or heard something they simply did not like. They view hiring you as a RISK.
When an interviewer makes this statement, it basically means they think you have too many years of experience, you want too much money, your education is more than what is required, or they see the job as being a step down from where you are now in your career and are afraid you will jump ship.
Because they view hiring you as a RISK, you will need to break down the walls and overcome their "fear." Find out what they mean, drill down and find out the real reason they make this statement. Then eliminate their fear. Do the best you can to find the source of this statement.

Well, here are some comebacks whenever you're told you are OVER-qualified for the job - knowing fully well you can handle the job PERFECTLY 

  1.  Plain ask, (in a polite way, of course) what's wrong with doing the job better than expected?
  2. Refute being labeled as OVER-qualified and tell the employer you'd rather say you are FULLY qualified.
  3. Use the employer's job description on them: ex if a job requires someone with managerial skills and you happen to be 'over-qualified' simply tell the interviewer that with you, you would require less man-power, office time and resources to train and prepare you for managerial duties. You can handle many more tasks than the just "fit" candidate can. 
  4. Let the employer know you are looking for a more 'challenging' job and that this job suits your neeeds and desires (*insert one of the job requirements here* ex: working with people etc)
  5. Hone down the light on your pay. Of course, in a recession my major concern is the pay however in order to GET the job first, I must play card. So, in your interview try not to make very big obvious highlights on pay. You and your interviewer are both playing tact games, so play your part right, 
  6. When the word over qualified is used on you, expand it and try to break down the big word into simpler terms. Eg. "you are overqualified"...your response: "O i understand,  i have the skills required to for this position and more that i have garnered through experience and working *insert job req. eg one-on-one/team*, would you be willing to contact me should an appropriate position be available? 
  7. All you do, try and break it down to the REAL reason why you are not being hired. Watch for body language, silent cues etc but don't get paranoid.
  8. Lastly,  Deliver. All talk and no work makes jack a bluffer. That's right, you've gotta back it up once you land the job. I'm guilty of this sometimes so i know how important it is.
Best of luck out there in these hard trying times!

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